Jackson history in short
Jackson Pro Series Guitars; Jackson Professional Firebird, Black, Bolt-On Maple Neck, Jackson Tremolo. Jackson King V Tera Patrick Graphic Guitar. 2G971 - Sale Price: $1499.99. Details: Jackson Pro Series RR5, White with Black Pinstripes. 1G989 - Sale Price: $1399.99. Here's a blast from the past, the MIJ Jackson Fusion Pro. Produced during the first year of the Japanese Jackson plant's operation, these guitars are widely considered equal to the USA quality of.

Jackson Guitar Fusion Hh Properties

Jackson Guitar Fusion Hh Products

Jackson Guitar Fusion Hh Pro V1
Until the early 1980s, Grover Jackson worked for the guitar builder and manufacturer Wayne Charvel. Charvel made copies of the Fender Stratocaster and was the first manufacturer with a 24 frets guitar, the 'Superstrat'. In 1980, Grover started his own company and focused primarily on building individual customer requirements. One of the first customers was the guitar player of Ozzy Osbourne, Randy Rhoads. This became the 'RR' model which was based on the Flying V. or Gibson. Due to the high quality of the Jackson guitars, more and more guitar players, especially from the heavy-metal scene, had a custom-made guitar built at Grover Jackson. This resulted in legendary models such as the King V, Soloist, Concert and Dinky. The guitars were produced in San Dimas, California and later also in Ontario, California. In 1985, IMC acquired the greatest interest in Jackson and began to devote more time and attention to a more extensive guitar market. | While Jackson still makes top products, Jackson also began to produce cheaper versions of their standard designs in Asia in an effort to make their products more accessible to people with a small wallet. In late 2002 bought Fender Musical Instruments Corporation Jackson IMC, and American productions were moved to the Fender factory in Corona, California. Grover Jackson |