Aoe2 Civ Tier List

  1. Age of Empires 2 Civilizations Tier List March 28, 2020 Age of Empires 2 Definitive Edition brings fresh content such as new Civilizations and Ultra Textures that could not be seen in the earlier HD version of the game. At the moment, AoE2 DE features 35 unique Civilizations (races) that you can play and conquer with.
  2. With the HD version came several new civilizations to control and develop into bustling empires, complicating the ever-controversial question of which civilization is the best. Some may do better on certain maps, some benefit from 1v1 settings or are good in team games, and the list of variables goes on making it hard to make a simple ranking.
  1. Aoe2 Civ Tier List Pjj
  2. Aoe2 Civ Tier List Maker
  3. Aoe2 Hd Civ Tier List
  4. Aoe2 Civ Tier List Dragon Ball Legends
1. A question about your play style to start things off: Which random map(s) do you prefer to play most often? (You may pick more than one)

Aoe2 Civ Tier List Pjj

Apr 24, 2011 Civilization Tier List for Age of Empires 2 DE I'm sorry if this question is asked every week and everyone here is tired of answering it, but I still want to see yet another of best and worst civilizations in this game, even though many have already said that there is no single best or worst.

Black Forest
Water maps (eg. Islands, Archipelago)
Full random, scenarios, or no preference
2. Which rushing strategies do you want your civ to thrive at? (choosing 2-3 favourites will give the best quiz results)
Aoe2 Civ Tier List
Dark Age Rush with Militia (Drush)
Feudal Rush with Archers
Feudal Rush with Scouts
Feudal Galley Rush
Castle Rush with Knights
Castle Rush with Cavalry Archers
I often wait until imperial age without attacking.
3. Would you prefer an eco bonus that increases gather rate or a discount on buildings/techs/units?
Increased gather rate (eg. faster food collection)
No preference, but I demand a good eco bonus of some sort
No preference, and I'd be ok without an eco bonus if there was a good tech tree
Aoe2 civ tier list 2017
4. Which age would you say you do most of your fighting in?
Castle Age
Late Imperial Age

Aoe2 Civ Tier List Maker

5. Tech Tree Questions now: How important to you is the spear/pike line?
I don't care about it at all and rarely use them
Pikes are important, but I'm ok if there's no halberdiers
Halberdiers are a must, but it's ok if they aren't fully upgraded
Very strong halberdiers are a must (all blacksmith techs and/or a civ bonus for infantry)
I don't care about it at all and rarely use them
Elite Skirmisher is important to me, but it doesn't have to be fully upgraded (eg. no bracer)
Fully-Upgraded elite skirmishers are a must
I don't care about archers and rarely use them
Crossbows in castle age are important, but I don't care about arbalests
I want to have arbalests available
I rarely use the swordsman line, so it's ok if I don't get champions
I want my civ to have access to champions
I want great champions (fully upgraded or with a civ bonus to help them)

Aoe2 Hd Civ Tier List

I'm ok not using knights
I like using knights in castle age, but I can live without the paladin upgrade in the late game
I like to use paladins, so I want my civ to have them
I love paladins, and I want them fully-upgraded. A civ bonus for them would be great too!
10. Time to take a stand. How do you feel about eagle warriors?
I'm open to the idea of using them instead of cavalry (If you know you prefer Meso-American civs, pick this answer and skip to question 14)
I much prefer to have cavalry
I'm ok with just scouts, or using eagle warriors
I'd like to have the Light Cavalry upgrade, but I'm willing to sacrifice having Hussars
It's important to me that I have Hussars
12. How important is the bloodlines tech to you (+20 cavalry HP)?
I can live without it
It's important to me that I have it
I prefer a civilization that DOESN'T have them
I like having them available
I use them quite a bit, and would prefer a civilization that gets camel bonuses
14. Is water dominance important to you at any stage of game?
I want a strong galley rush, but I don't care about my late game navy
I want a strong post-imperial navy, but I don't galley rush
I want both a strong galley rush AND strong post-imperial navy
I can live without hand canoneer and bombard cannon
I want hand canoneer, but I don't care about bombard cannon
I want bombard cannon, but I don't care about the hand canoneer
I need both units in my late-game army
Yes. I want the option to make fortified walls
I never use monks, except maybe to get relics
I would prefer lots of the monk techs
I love using monks, and would prefer a civ bonus and almost all the techs available
I never use anything beyond the watch tower
Keeps are important to me, but bombard tower isn't
I like to use both keeps and bombard towers
I like to use both keeps and bombard towers,and a civ bonus toward towers would be great!
19. How do you feel about the onager line? (AOC/HD version where they DON'T cut trees)

Aoe2 Civ Tier List Dragon Ball Legends

Mongonel is all I ever need
I would like at least up to the onager, but I don't care about siege engineers (+1 range to onagers)
It's important I have the onager AND siege engineers
It's important to me that the civilization I play has Siege Onager
It's important I have the Capped Ram, but I don't care about the Siege Ram
It's very important to me that the civilization I play has Siege Ram
I rarely use it. The basic scorpion is all I ever need
I like the option of having heavy scorpion for some games
I want to have the best heavy scorpions on the field, including a civ bonus/unique tech for them
The Feudal/Castle age techs are important, but I don't care about all the imperial age ones. Unit matchups are more important
I'd prefer a civ that's missing 2 blacksmith techs at most
I want ALL the blacksmith techs, and would prefer a civ that gets them at a reduced cost
I don't want architecture (+10% building HP/ +3 buildings armour) or hoardings (+1000 castle HP). They're a waste of tech tree space
I don't care either way. I may get them in the late game if I can, but I wouldn't miss them if I didn't have them
Building HP is important, and I prefer to have those techs available
24. How do you feel about the stone and gold shaft mining techs?
I don't like to get either tech
I like stone shaft mining (+15% stone collection rate), but I don't care about gold shaft mining
I like gold shaft mining (+15% gold collection rate), but I don't care about stone shaft mining
I would prefer a civ that had both
25. (Last question) How important are the final wood and food upgrades to you?
I don't really care if I get access to them
I'd like access to at least one of them in a long game
I would greatly prefer having access to both in a long time