Rig Steve Minecraft Cinema 4d r12r13/r14 c4d: $6. Minecraft Rig + Addons c4d: $2. Minecraft character c4d: $20. Minecraft Pickaxe Wooden 3D Model max. In this set of tutorials, you will learn how to automatically rig creatures with CINEMA 4D's new Character Object. Through this set of tutorials you will learn how to use the Character Object to auto-rig creatures and how to adjust the control rig to match its exact proportions!

Minecraft Cinema 4d Rig
If you have been trying to get into character rigging in Cinema 4D, you are not alone. Character rigging has long been a technical mystery to a lot of people.
Cinema 4d Minecraft Skin Rig
how to rig a simple character in Cinema 4D, using Release 16
Here, Orestis Konstantinidis gives a great primer for character rigging in Cinema 4D. Orestis starts with a foundation showing how things are calculated in C4D what is happening behind the scenes.

Orestis then shows how to rig a simple character using a set up that was pioneered by Bret Bays who is also behind the Advanced character templates that ship with Cinema 4D.
More Character Rigging Resources for C4D
Collin Bishop had a quick look at an overview for the basics of character rigging within Cinema 4D showing how to use the character object: Rigging a Biped Character in Cinema 4D.
Free Cinema 4d Rigs
Brian Horgan covered how to rig a character using the new Character Builder in Cinema 4D r13: Character Rigging & Animation in Cinema 4D R13.
Orestis Konstantinidis also had a look at how to use the Character Object in Cinema 4D r13 to auto rig a character in a modular workflow: Auto-rigging Using the Character Object in Cinema 4D R13.

Also related, Rory Martin has a look at using the wooden figure in Cinema 4D and rigging it with rag doll physics: Rigging for Rag Doll Physics in Cinema 4D.