TYPES OF MICROSCOPES COVERED IN THIS MANUAL The compound microscope combines two optical lens systems. The lens closest to the specimen slide, the objective, magnifies the primary image and the top lens, called the eyepiece, further magnifies the image. Microscopes are required for the examination of the microstructure of the metals. Optical microscopes are used for resolutions down to roughly the wavelength of light (about half a micron) and electron microscopes are used for detail below this level, down to atomic resolution. The most commonly used microscope is the conventional light microscope. Instructions, manuals, brochures and catalogues. If you buy a used microscope, it probably won’t be supplied with an instruction manual, and most manufacturers don’t keep copies of manuals for discontinued microscopes. Fortunately, there are several websites where enthusiasts have collected PDFs of manuals that you can download. Micro science microscope products are most popular in North America, South America, and Mid East. You can ensure product safety by selecting from certified suppliers, including 17 with ISO13485, 11 with ISO9001, and 4 with Other certification. The practical approach to experiencing science is a part of the UNESCO Global Microscience Experiments Project, with centres located in places such as South Africa, Cameroon and Norway. Promoting this hands-on science education project is done through an introductory workshop which has been held in over 80 countries so far.
1Fluor_Micro.pdf Fluorescence Instruments, Methods, Applications 12/22/06 4.2 M
Astigmatism-Curvature-Field-memo-6-1-62.pdf Tech Bulletin Vol II #2 9/29/06 3.0M
Defaction-Image-memo-12-10-64.pdf Tech Bulletin V IV 3 12/10/64 11/5/06 2.3 M
Depth-of-Focus-Lateral-Resolution-memo-1-10-62.pdf 9/29/06 4.3 M
Dialux-Gray-20-A.pdf 10/10/06 6.1 M
Dialux-Gray-20-B.pdf November 10, 2006 6.8KB
LEITZ_Diaplan_Das_Mikroskop_fur_Wissenschaft_und_Dianostik_1985.pdf 2/11/09 1.8M
Leica_How_to_use_Stereozoom_microscopes.pdf March 31, 2007 1.6M
Leica_Stereozoom_Series_Microscopes.pdf March 31, 2007 1.7K
Leitz-160mm-Memo.pdf August 29, 2006 1582KB
Leitz-1875.pdf November 11, 2006 190KB
Leitz-1879.pdf November 11, 2006175KB
Leitz-1880.pdf November 11, 2006 4.1M
Leitz-1882.pdf November 11, 2006 9.0M
Leitz-1885.pdf November 11, 2006 8.7M
Leitz-1888.pdf November 11, 2006 1.4M
Leitz-1897.pdf November 11, 2006 5.3M
Leitz-1905.pdf November 11, 2006 1.8 M
Science Microscope Worksheets
Leitz-1913.pdf November 11, 2006 5.0 M
Leitz-1920.pdf November 11, 2006 3.2 M
Leitz-Diaplan-part-numbers_1985.txt Feb 11 06:50pm 1KB
Leitz-Microtome-I.pdf November 11, 2006 3.9 M
Leitz-Microtome-II.pdf November 11, 2006 4.2 M
Leitz-Minor.pdf November 11, 2006 2.4M
Leitz-New-York.pdf November 11, 2006 1434KB
Leitz-Ortholux-63-Manual.pdf November 11, 2006 9.0 M
Leitz-Ortholux-68-Manual.pdf November 11, 2006 4.6M
Leitz-Ortholux-Manual.pdf November 05, 2006 6.1M
Leitz-SM-LUX-instructions.pdf Sep 24 06:40pm 3.2M
Leitz-SM-LUX-instructions0009.zip Sep 24 06:09pm 4.6M
Leitz-Serienummer.pdf November 11, 2006 0.3M
Leitz-Specs-Price.pdf August 29, 2006 3.9M

Leitz-Spektroskop.pdf November 11, 2006 3.2M
Leitz.pdf Dec 14 02:36am 1.4M
Leitz100-100z.pdf Dec 14 02:37am 2.5M
LeitzHeine.pdf August 29, 2006 32.M
LeitzImageForming-IlluinatingSystems.pdf October 18, 2006 2.1M
LeitzLaborluxK-D-Brochure.pdf Dec 14 02:35am 3.7M
LeitzPolarizingMicroscopecomplete.pdf December 11, 2006 2.9M
LeitzSmith-T.pdf December 08, 2006 5.3M
Leitz_1971_Pol_Scope_Catalog_Part1.pdf Dec 14 02:32am 5.1M
Leitz_ICT_Manual_Newer.pdf December 08, 2006 1425KB
Leitz_Ortholux_II.pdf December 08, 2006 17537KB
Leitz_Ortholux_II_manual.pdf Dec 14 02:29am 2824KB
Leitz_new_objectives_1985.pdf Feb 11 06:45pm 4093KB
Leitz_objectives_and_oculars.pdf August 29, 2006 189KB
Leitz_optics_1985.pdf Feb 11 06:42pm 1216KB
Lens-System-Between-Eyepiece-Camera-memo-5-15-64.pdf August 29, 2006 199KB
Measur-Optic-Path-Diff-Pol-memo-7-1-63.pdf August 29, 2006 2178KB
Metallux_3_a_new_metallographic_microscope_1985.pdf Feb 11 06:47pm 2125KB
Oblique-Illum-W-Phase-memo-10-25-66.pdf August 29, 2006 4113KB
OldLeitzObjectives.pdf Dec 14 02:35am 430KB
Ortholux.pdf Dec 14 02:38am 1221KB
Panphot-6-57.pdf Dec 14 03:13am 4729KB
Photogaphy-memo-12-16-63.pdf August 29, 2006 3912KB
Quantitiave-Micro-memo-12-1-65.pdf August 29, 2006 5867KB
The-Microscope-Its-Application.PDF November 11, 2006 22699KB
The_Diaplan-a_new_LEITZ_microscope_Ahrberg_1985.pdf Feb 11 06:50pm 6045KB
The_VARIOLUM_new_Microscope_illumination_module_1985.pdf Feb 11 06:56pm 1848KB
a-Leitz-Ortholux-63-Manual.pdf August 29, 2006 9035KB
a-The-Microscope-and-Its-Application.PDF August 29, 2006 22699KB
darkfield_condenser.pdf July 12, 2007 7288KB
dialux.pdf Dec 14 02:41am 1820KB
laborlux.pdf Dec 14 02:39am 723KB
leitzpc.pdf Dec 14 02:39am 1099KB
ortholux-manual.zip August 29, 2006 20230KB
orthoplan65.pdf October 28, 2007 9600KB