- This is a tutorial video for beginners who want to learn who to play Total War Games. This is a Beginners Guide to Total War: Warhammer on the PC.
- In May 2012, The Creative Assembly released TEd, the tool used internally to create battlefield environments in Total War: Shogun 2. In September 2012, CA also unveiled a brand new suite of tools: the Assembly Kit for Shogun 2. This kit includes the following: DAVe database tool Unit Editor for changing the look for units.
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Assembly Kit (TWR2)
Total War: ROME II – Assembly Kit Beta

Following the successful launch of the Steam Workshop for ROME II, we are pleased to release version one of the Assembly Kit for ROME II.The Assembly Kit is currently in Beta, and its feature-set will expand over time. If you have any questions or find any bugs to report, please visit the official forums here: https://forums.totalwar.com/forumdisplay.php/181-Total-War-ROME-II-Game-Mods
The Assembly Kit is essentially a collection of tools and example data files that will help modders create bigger and better mods. It contains:
- TWeak with the following two plugins
- DaVE – the game database editor
- Variant Editor – for editing the look of characters, units and ships
- BOB – for processing data including:
- Textures
- Models
- Animations
- Database tables
- Group formations
- Campaign starting positions
- Packing files into mod pack
- Exporters
- 3ds max for models
- Motion Builder for animations
- Maya for animations
- Data
- Example data for each supported data type
- The complete database backend
These tools will allow for the creation of mods that can then be uploaded to the Steam Workshop via the ROME II root folder (SteamsteamappscommonTotal War Rome IIassembly_kit).
You can find instructions for this here:
This Beta release is designed to allow for the tools and processes to be tested by modders through usage, and to make sure there are no issues. We’ll post official documentation over the next few days and weeks, which will ultimately cover all areas of the Assembly Kit.
Total War Warhammer Assembly Kit Tutorials
We’re looking forward to seeing what everyone will make with these tools, and the Assembly Kit will be updated over time to include other tools as well.To download the Assembly Kit, open your Steam client, and click Library->tools. Scroll down to Total War: ROME II – Assembly Kit BETA and double-click to install.
Once the Assembly Kit is installed via the tools menu in Steam, users can find all the tools here in their Rome II root folder:
Total War Warhammer 2 Assembly Kit Tutorial
SteamsteamappscommonTotal War Rome IIassembly_kit
Known Issue [as of 16/01/2014]:
If the user launches the Assembly Kit through the Tools section of Steam it will generate a file called steam_appid.txt in; C:Program Files (x86)SteamSteamAppscommonTotal War Rome IIassembly_kitbinaries
If the user then attempts to process a campaign start_pos through BOB it will NOT generate the start_pos.esf file because Rome2 will crash before it is able to start the process.
There is a work around – if the user manually deletes the file steam_appid.txt from the above directory it will work correctly, however if they launch via the Tools menu in Steam the file will be re-generated. This will not harm or affect the users game in any way.
Wwise - Audio Modding
- Looking for something else? See our Lord disambiguation page.
Legendary Lords or LLs are powerful individuals from Warhammer Fantasy lore. In Total War: Warhammer and its sequels, they are Lords (a type of character unit) who are playable in the campaign, multiplayer and custom battles. Each campaign must be started with the player choosing a legendary lord + faction.
Most legendary lords lead their own faction that is unique to them. However in a few cases, multiple legendary lords may share the same faction. This is explained in detail below.
During a campaign, players can also recruit other legendary lords for their race through diplomacy, completing certain objectives or other means.
Note there is also unique lords, which are different to legendary lords.
- 6Total War: Warhammer II Legendary Lords
How Legendary Lords work[edit | edit source]
Recruiting legendary lords:
- In campaign, only one of each Legendary Lord can be recruited at a time - they are unique. For instance, there can't be two of Karl Franz on the campaign map.
- When starting a campaign, players pick a faction and then a Legendary Lord to begin with.
- Some factions have multiple legendary lords available.
- In this case, the player must pick one to start the campaign with and then must complete certain objectives to 'unlock' his/her faction's other legendary lords for recruitment.
- If a legendary lord belongs to a different faction (of the same race), the player may instead confederate that faction to gain access to the legendary lord.
Skills, abilities and effects:[edit | edit source]
- Beyond being powerful units in battle, they have access to unique Legendary items, which are especially powerful and cannot be lost in campaign battles.
- See Total War: Warhammer items#Legendary items and Total War: Warhammer II items#Legendary items.
- Each one has a unique skill tree with personalised skills and abilities.
- Each LL will start the campaign with additional units in their army which are higher tier. For instance Tyrion begins with a Silver Helms (Shields), Ithilmar Chariot and White Lions of Chrace.
- Each LL has their own special effects which apply if they are chosen to start the campaign. These effects may be specific to themselves, their army, or their entire faction.
Character traits:[edit | edit source]
- Legendary lords may have special unique character traits given to them.
- Defeating a Legendary Lord in Total War: Warhammer II will grant a special trait to the lord that does it. Each LL grants a different trait.
- See Legendary Lord character traits for more info.
Other info:[edit | edit source]
- During a campaign, when engaging in diplomacy with a playable faction, that faction will have a Legendary Lord representing them as the faction leader.
- Some legendary lords require paid DLC to play as, others may be free but require the player to download them from Steam manually.
- Legendary Lords will have special quest missions, which often culminate in a set piece battle and the lord gaining a legendary item.
- Legendary Lords cannot permanently die (only be temporarily wounded) unless their entire faction is wiped out.
Total War: Warhammer Legendary Lords[edit | edit source]
These are all the lords that were added in Total War: Warhammer.
Total War: Warhammer is no longer updated, so this is the final list for that game.
Click 'expand' to expand the table.
Legendary lords introduced in Total War: Warhammer | ||||
Race | Faction | Lord name | Campaign unlock requirements | Required DLC |
Dwarfs | Dwarfs | Thorgrim Grudgebearer | Clear 8 Grudges | Base game |
Ungrim Ironfist | Occupy Karak Kadrin in Peak Pass | Base game | ||
Grombrindal | Construct a Monument of Grimnir | Free download on Steam | ||
Clan Angrund | Belegar Ironhammer | N/A | The King and the Warlord | |
The Empire | The Empire | Emperor Karl Franz | Confederate with another faction | Base game |
Balthasar Gelt | Construct the Altdorf Conclave of Battle Wizards | Base game | ||
Volkmar the Grim | Construct a Temple of Sigmar | The Grim and the Grave | ||
Vampire Counts | Vampire Counts | Mannfred von Carstein | Occupy all of Eastern and Western Sylvania | Base game |
Heinrich Kemmler | Construct a Forbidden Library | Base game | ||
Helman Ghorst | Choose the Assimilate post-battle option 10 times | The Grim and the Grave | ||
Von Carstein | Vlad von Carstein | Available on Turn 1 | Free, no download required | |
Isabella von Carstein | Available on Turn 1 | Free download on Steam | ||
Greenskins | Greenskins | Grimgor Ironhide | Choose the Slaughter post-battle option 10 times | Base game |
Azhag the Slaughterer | Construct a Shaman's Hut | Base game | ||
The Bloody Handz | Wurrzag | N/A | Free download on Steam | |
Crooked Moon | Skarsnik | N/A | The King and the Warlord | |
Beastmen | Beastmen | Khazrak the One-Eye | Choose the Sacrifice post-battle option 10 times | Call of the Beastmen |
Malagor the Dark Omen | Construct a Ritual Mound | Call of the Beastmen | ||
Morghur the Shadowgave | Construct a Pits of Horror | Call of the Beastmen | ||
Warriors of Chaos | Warriors of Chaos | Archaon the Everchosen | Choose the Sacrifice post-battle option 10 times | Chaos Warriors Race Pack |
Sigvald the Magnificent | Awaken 4 Norscan Tribes | Chaos Warriors Race Pack | ||
Kholek Suneater | Construct a Dragon Ogre Gathering | Chaos Warriors Race Pack | ||
Bretonnia | Bretonnia | King Louen Leoncoeur | N/A | Free download on Steam |
Bordeleaux | Alberic de Bordeleaux | N/A | Free download on Steam | |
Carcassonne | The Fay Enchantress | N/A | Free download on Steam | |
Wood Elves | Wood Elves | Orion | N/A | Realm of the Wood Elves |
Argwylon | Durthu | N/A | Realm of the Wood Elves | |
Norsca | Norsca | Wulfrik the Wanderer | N/A | Norsca (DLC) |
Wintertooth | Throgg | N/A | Norsca (DLC) |
Total War: Warhammer II Legendary Lords[edit | edit source]
These are all the legendary lords added so far for Total War: Warhammer II.
All the first game's lords are playable in Mortal Empires. Some of them have been changed for the second game. Scroll down further for another table showing that.
Legendary lords introduced in Total War: Warhammer II | |||
Race | Faction | Lord name | Required DLC |
Bretonnia | Chevaliers de Lyonesse | Repanse de Lyonesse | Free download on Steam |
The Empire | The Huntsmarshal's Expedition | Markus Wulfhart | The Hunter and the Beast |
Greenskins | Broken Axe | Grom the Paunch | The Warden and the Paunch |
High Elves | Eataine | Tyrion | Base game |
Order of Loremasters | Teclis | Base game | |
Nagarythe | Alith Anar | Free download on Steam | |
Avelorn | Alarielle the Radiant | The Queen and the Crone | |
Yvresse | Eltharion | The Warden and the Paunch | |
Knights of Caledor | Imrik | Free download on Steam | |
Dark Elves | Naggarond | Malekith | Base game |
Cult of Pleasure | Morathi | Base game | |
The Blessed Dread | Lokhir Fellheart | Free download on Steam | |
Hag Graef | Malus Darkblade | The Shadow & The Blade | |
Har Ganeth | Crone Hellebron | The Queen and the Crone | |
Wood Elves | Heralds of Ariel | Sisters of Twilight | The Twisted and the Twilight |
Wargrove of Woe | Drycha | Free in Mortal Empires, if you own Realm of the Wood Elves | |
Lizardmen | Hexoatl | Lord Mazdamundi | Base game |
Last Defenders | Kroq-Gar | Base game | |
Tlaqua | Tiktaq'to | Free download on Steam | |
Cult of Sotek | Tehenhauin | The Prophet and the Warlock | |
Itza | Gor-Rok | Free download on Steam | |
Spirit of the Jungle | Nakai the Wanderer | The Hunter and the Beast | |
Skaven | Clan Mors | Queek Headtaker | Base game |
Clan Pestilens | Lord Skrolk | Base game | |
Clan Rictus | Tretch Craventail | Free download on Steam | |
Clan Eshin | Deathmaster Snikch | The Shadow & The Blade | |
Clan Skryre | Ikit Claw | The Prophet and the Warlock | |
Clan Moulder | Throt the Unclean | The Twisted and the Twilight | |
Tomb Kings | Khemri | Settra the Imperishable | Rise of the Tomb Kings |
Court of Lybaras | High Queen Khalida | Rise of the Tomb Kings | |
Exiles of Nehek | Grand Hierophant Khatep | Rise of the Tomb Kings | |
Followers of Nagash | Arkhan the Black | Rise of the Tomb Kings | |
Vampire Coast | Vampire Coast | Luthor Harkon | Curse of the Vampire Coast |
Dreadfleet | Count Noctilus | Curse of the Vampire Coast | |
Pirates of Sartosa | Aranessa Saltspite | Curse of the Vampire Coast | |
The Drowned | Cylostra Direfin | Curse of the Vampire Coast |
First game lords[edit | edit source]
In Total War: Warhammer II, first game lords are all playable in the Mortal Empires campaign. However, there has been many changes and updates to them. Click 'expand' to expand the table.
In this table, 'base game' means the first game, which is required to play Mortal Empires.
TWW1 Lords playable in the second game -- | ||||
Race | Faction | Lord name | Campaign unlock requirements | Required DLC |
Dwarfs | Karaz-a-Karak | Thorgrim Grudgebearer | Clear 8 Grudges | Base game |
Grombrindal | Construct a Monument of Grimnir | Free download on Steam | ||
Karak Kadrin | Ungrim Ironfist | N/A | Base game | |
Clan Angrund | Belegar Ironhammer | N/A | The King and the Warlord | |
The Empire | Reikland | Emperor Karl Franz | Confederate with another faction | Base game |
Volkmar the Grim | Construct a Temple of Sigmar | The Grim and the Grave | ||
The Golden Order | Balthasar Gelt | N/A | Base game | |
Vampire Counts | Sylvania | Mannfred von Carstein | Occupy all of Eastern and Western Sylvania | Base game |
Helman Ghorst | Choose the Assimilate post-battle option 10 times | The Grim and the Grave | ||
The Barrow Legion | Heinrich Kemmler | N/A | Base game | |
Von Carstein | Vlad von Carstein | Available on Turn 1 | Free, no download required | |
Isabella von Carstein | Available on Turn 1 | Free download on Steam | ||
Greenskins | Grimgor's 'Ardboyz | Grimgor Ironhide | N/A | Base game |
Bonerattlaz | Azhag the Slaughterer | N/A | Base game | |
The Bloody Handz | Wurrzag | N/A | Free download on Steam | |
Crooked Moon | Skarsnik | N/A | The King and the Warlord | |
Beastmen | Beastmen | Khazrak the One-Eye | Choose the Sacrifice post-battle option 10 times | Call of the Beastmen |
Malagor the Dark Omen | Construct a Ritual Mound | Call of the Beastmen | ||
Morghur the Shadowgave | Construct a Pits of Horror | Call of the Beastmen | ||
Warriors of Chaos | Warriors of Chaos | Archaon the Everchosen | Choose the Sacrifice post-battle option 10 times | Chaos Warriors Race Pack |
Sigvald the Magnificent | Awaken 4 Norscan Tribes | Chaos Warriors Race Pack | ||
Kholek Suneater | Construct a Dragon Ogre Gathering | Chaos Warriors Race Pack | ||
Bretonnia | Couronne | King Louen Leoncoeur | N/A | Free download on Steam |
Bordeleaux | Alberic de Bordeleaux | N/A | Free download on Steam | |
Carcassonne | The Fay Enchantress | N/A | Free download on Steam | |
Wood Elves | Talsyn | Orion | N/A | Realm of the Wood Elves |
Argwylon | Durthu | N/A | Realm of the Wood Elves | |
Norsca | World Walkers | Wulfrik the Wanderer | Beat Wulfrik in battle to confederate | Norsca (DLC) |
Wintertooth | Throgg | Beat Throgg in battle to confederate | Norsca (DLC) |